Postural Hypotension Test (Ragland’s Test)
Step 1
For your baseline temp; take your systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings in a sitting position. It is preferable to have a cuff approximately level with the heart. Keep cuff on for Step 2. Write down.
Step 2
Lie down on horizontal (bed or sofa) and rest for 60 seconds or longer. Take the systolic and diastolic pressure reading while you are in the supine (face up) position. Write down.
Step 3
Immediately stand, taking care to hold on to something in case you become light-headed or begin to wobble. Immediately take the systolic and diastolic pressure when you reach the standing position. Write down.
- Promptness in taking the standing pressure reading is paramount because the test is measuring a transitory event.
- Normally, the sitting to supine systolic reading will drop 6 to 10 mm from the sitting baseline.
- If the supine systolic reading increases more than 10 mm over the sitting baseline, this may be an indication of kidney issues.
- A positive Adrenal response is when a patient’s tests from supine to standing systolic BP reading drops from 10 mm to 40 mm. A normal reading should see a rise of 6 to 10 mm from the supine to the standing position. (If your BP drops over 20 mm this is considered chronic hypoadrenia. Contact Dr. Grace at 321-890-2082).